Mobile training on Vegetable & Poultry production inauguration ceremony at village of Surkhet
Date: 10th January 2022, 05:51 PMEtheni is a remote village of Surkhet. Dalit are the major population at this place following with Janajati and others. Distance wise Etheni is not very far from provincial capital Birendranagar but almost entire people are struggling for their two time food. In this background Jana Jyoti school and Skill Up! project decided to run a 60 days (300 hours) training on poultry production at their place because they were interested in poultry business to make their regular income. Hence, on 25th March 2021, a training opening ceremony was organised at the place where 25 participants were selected and started their training.
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Closing ceremony of short course training at Kanchanpur
Date: 10th January 2022, 05:48 PMSixty trainees graduated on Poultry and Vegetable training conducted by Shree Krishna school Kanchanpur and supported by Skill Up! project. In the closing ceremony, Chairman of ward no-4 of Krishnapur Municipality, principal of green college, course coordinator of the green college, trainees and representative of Skill Up! project put their remarks and distributed the certificates to the trainees of both trainings.
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Three short course training opening ceremony at Kanchanpur
Date: 10th January 2022, 05:46 PMIn collaboration with Skill Up! project, Shree Krishna higher secondary school green college), Kanchanpur has inaugurated short course training on Commercial vegetable production, Mushroom cultivation and Poultry production for 90 youths where each trade has 30 trainees. Project has supported the school to strengthen their capacities as green college so that trainees could get best learning environment. Scholl has allocated two trainers for each trade in which the training was planned for 80% practical & 20% theoretical sessions following CTEVT’s curriculum. Besides, Vegetable & Poultry production training are customised for 300 hours (60 days) course and Mushroom training for 150 hours (30 days). More than 60% participants were females and they belong to ethnical community of nearby villages. The two trainings; Commercial vegetable production & Poultry production were planned to be conducted at school premise which began on 6th Jan 2021and the Mushroom cultivation training organized at community level (Krishnapur, Bichawa) commenced 1st Feb 2021. Project aimsthat trainees after the training will start their own business/ enterprise in the respective trained subject.
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Mushroom cultivation training closing ceremony at Kanchanpur
Date: 10th January 2022, 05:44 PMShree Krishna Green College has successfully completed the training on Mushroom cultivation on 23rd February 2021 where 30 trainees graduated. The graduated trainees have been able to grow mushroom on their own. During the closing ceremony , theschool has provided certificate to the trainees and announced a regular technical support as per need. Skill U! project also committed the regular backstopping support in future as per need. The 30 days (150 hours) training was highly useful, said Sangita Chaudhary, a trainee of the training. Altogether 30 youths got the training and they have started Mushroom cultivation at their home as well.
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Goat Raising Training has been started at Jana Jyoti Green COllege, Surkhet
Date: 10th January 2022, 05:41 PMJana jyoti school, Surkhet has organized the training on Goat raising collaborating with CTEVT & Skill Up! project on cost sharing basis. The training has been started from 9th March 2021 through its mobile team at Barahatal-8, Chulidada. It was conducted at community level because of the high demand of the training from community level. A total of 20 participants have been enrolled to get training where male female ratio is 50/50. The training will be conducted for 65 days (390 hours) as per CTEVT curriculum with added few relevant topics like, Food & Nutrition, life skill, entrepreneurship and post-training mentoring.
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Inauguration of Short Course Training at Shivajan Green College,Salyan
Date: 10th January 2022, 05:38 PMShivajan vocation School (green college) at Salyan has started five training events on three trades. The traiing was inaugurated by the Mayor of Sarada Municipality Mr. Suresh Adhikari. In the opening remarks, Mr. Adhikari expressed his good wishes for the success of the trainings. 130 trainees have been selected and enrolled for 5 training events of three different trades. The CTEVT & Skill Up! project in partnership with Shree Shivajan school have been conducting mobile short course trainings on Commercial vegetable production and Mushroom cultivation training at Sanghar (Lanti- Sarada-13) and Lekhpokhara (Chhatreswori-5) starting from 17th March 2021 where 55 youths are participating in the training. Likewise, training on Commercial vegetable, Poultry production and Mushroom cultivation for 75 rural youths has started in the premises of Shivaja School.
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Skill Up! Project Annual Review Meeting
Date: 10th January 2022, 05:23 PMSkill Up! Project has conducted its first annual review meeting on 22nd January 2021 for the period of Jan-Dec, 2020. The meeting was conducted using online platform of MS team. The progress review meeting and planning of 2021 was held in the presence of project field staff, management team of WHH and CEAPRED. Meeting was concluded by providing feedback and way forward approaches in service delivery & documentation.
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Training of Trainers for Lead Farmers to facilitate FFS in Salyan, Surkhet & Kanchanpur
Date: 25th April 2021, 04:24 PMThree events of ‘Training for Trainers’ (ToT) were organized by Skill Up! project to impart the knowledge on FFS facilitation skills, Nursery development, IPM methodology, Pest management, Disease Identification and control.
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Awareness Campaign and Demonstration of Organic Products by Skill Up! Project
Date: 25th April 2021, 03:45 PMMOA of Karnali province along with other 23 development partners of this province jointly organized the event taking the action to promote Organic Agriculture in the province.
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Welthungerhilfe (WHH), Nepal
Bakhundole, Lalitpur 44600

CEAPRED ( Kathmandu and Surkhet)
Shantibasti, Nayabato (Ringroad), Lalitpur
