Training of Trainers' (ToT) for Farmers Field School (FFS) Facilitators in Salyan (11-13 Aug 2020)
Created On: Sept. 16, 2020, 1:06 p.m.
Farmers Field School (FFS) is one the three major components of Skill Up! Project. The concept of this component is “Learning by doing” and hence it focuses on both practical learning and up-scaling of technologies through demonstration and extension. On this background Skill Up! Project conducted a three days Training of Trainers (ToT) for FFS Facilitators and group leaders on 11, 12 and 13 August, 2020 in Salyan district. Total 20 lead farmers from 10 farmers’ groups were trained by project team Mr. Sushil Basnet (FFS officer) and Mr. Yashu Nath Yogi (Project /TVET Coordinator. Safety measures on COVID-19 were adopted. Participants were allowed to enter in the training hall after sanitizing their hands properly, using mask and maintain physical distance.
The trained leaders facilitated their respective FFS with support and guidance of Skill Up! Up team. The ToT provided knowledge on importance of FFS and facilitation skill for FFS, Nursery raising techniques, crop and variety selection, IPM approach, Cost of crop production and crop calendar, Post-harvest handling including harvesting, cleaning, grading & packaging, Marketing of Agri-product, networking with Government organizations and other relevant service providers. Likewise practical sessions were conducted on Nursery raising, bio-fertilizer and bio-pesticide preparation, Soil Sampling, Observation of insect traps, mulching and poly houses.
Theory session on nursery development
Practical on preparation bio-pesticide preparation
Practical on soil preparation for nursery development
Practical session on bio-fertilizer preparation
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